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Thank you for your interest in contributing to the good works of The Salvation Army! As a leading human services provider, The Salvation Army gladly accepts donations in many forms to further the work of its Mission.

"The Salvation Army gladly accepts donations in many forms."

Monetary donations can be made by credit card, money order or check through the options below. Please do not send cash through the mail! To make a financial donation to The Salvation Army in cash, please visit your local Salvation Army.

Online Donations:
» Donate Now

Donation Bins:

TuTu Park Mall - entrance next to post office

(St. Thomas only)
(St. Croix only)

Donations by Mail:
Please mail checks made payable to The Salvation Army to your local Salvation Army, which can be found by zip code under Find a Center (at left) or mailed to:

St. Thomas
PO Box 74
St Thomas VI 00804

St. Croix
2B Mount Pleasant, PO Box 742
Frederiksted, St. Croix VI. 00840

Your faith in our efforts and your commitment to your community make it possible for us to achieve our mission. Your gifts of prayer and financial support are an investment—an investment that will be repaid many times over by the thousands of lives changed each day.

Your contributions, large or small, bring a ray of hope and a touch of happiness to the local community at times when those less fortunate need it most. Participate in any one of our many convenient donation channels including online, phone or email. With our guaranteed safe and secure online donation, it’s easier than ever to contribute.