Service times and program times
St. Thomas
Monday thru Friday - Soup Kitchen Noon 1:00pm
Monday - Sunbeams 3:30pm (Character Building Program for girls 7 -11 years of age)
Tuesday & Thursday - Fortissimo Music Program (Ages 8 - 18) 4:00pm
Thursday - Women's Ministry Home League Program 6:00pm
Sunday - 10:00am - Sunday School for all ages
11:00am - Worship Service
St. Croix
Sunday - Holiness Meeting 11:00am
Tuesday - Women's Ministries 7:00pm
Thursdays - Small Group Bible Study 7:00pm
The Salvation Army Corps offer a variety of family and individual services focused on helping all people reach their potential. "A community comprised of stronger individuals is a stronger community."Services For The Entire CommunityA community comprised of stronger individuals is a stronger community. The Salvation Army Corps Community Centers strive to build stronger communities through individualized services, care, and attention. Available services foster work and life skills development, educational enrichment, and spiritual and physical wellness. Crucial and highly personalized training for parenting skills, substance abuse awareness and rehabilitation, transition from homelessness, and more are often available. Services that The Salvation Army offer within the Virgin Islands include:Community Programs – Our community programs strive to uplift local communities through engagement and support. Programs range from substance abuse rehabilitation to offer renewed potential. Womens Ministries – There are weekly meetings for ladies from 16 to 106 for fellowship, learning, community outreach and fun. Arts – Music is a gift from God, and The Salvation Army shares that gift through concerts at its Corps Community Centers. Musical style of the performing groups will vary. Theater, spoken word, or other forms of artistic expression may also be presented to inspire and enrich the community. Classes to promote creativity in a variety of mediums may also be available. Counseling – Group and individual counseling is available to assist people in improving their lives and meeting their goals. Counseling participants are evaluated to identify their specific needs, goals, and skill deficits, and then a course of progress is suggested accordingly. The goal of counseling is to enable individuals to make healthy professional and life choices. Events – Corps Community Centers routinely host or offer special events. Such events may include special community dinners, fundraisers, concerts and more. Family – To support the sanctity of family, The Salvation Army hosts a variety of classes, events and activities specifically designed for families to share at its Corps Community Centers.